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NE Space Technologies

To Boldly Go...

Earth Care

Like self care, we cannot extend our exploration without caring for our home. Support for ground based data gathering systems (meteorlogical, agricultural etc.), earth orbital systems, and NASA's Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS) allows us to participate in sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, energy access, and clean water initiatives. We bring together our current expertise to develop new skills to add value to all life on earth.


Satellite Technology

Use Satellite Technology to keep our planet sustainable with land and marine based data analytics. Our immediate vision is to partner with LEO satellite imagery providers and fuse those images with other sources of data from space, IoT, and our own terresterial based sensor platforms to provide solutions for agriculture and marine farming customers. Future plans will include integration into LEO satellite constellations for aircraft and urban mobility applications, and later support 6G communication networks for land and space. 


Launch Vehicle Components

We will initially support the Launch Vehicle Components sector via our composite materials and structures manufacturing / repair facilities. Our team understands the importance of balance among structural integrity, weight reduction, and repairability in design to reduce costs, time to production, and delivery.

Information Technology

Software and Architecture development has been the backbone of space exploration. It offers strategies and techniques to insure spacecraft / satellites, astronauts, will survive long missions, execute operations with efficiency, and provide reliable return home. Space infrastructures will become more software-intensive to support smarter remote control, automation, more productive data gathering and analysis and better troubleshooting  during flight. 

Spacecraft software can be adapted to changing mission parameters, functional enhancements can be uploaded, and bugs are fixed to ensure mission success and longevity. Artificial Intelligence programming can reduce the workload on mission designers on Earth, astronaut's routine tasks during flight, and reduce data processing from satellites / ground stations. 

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