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Our Future


NE Space Technologies

To Boldly Go...

Orbital Monitoring

Industrials -


Helping the world's most critical commercial operators in Energy, Mining, and Agriculture reduce risk, ensure operational integrity, and meet sustainability goals with confidence.

Environmental & Emergency Monitoring -

Delivering objective data and analysis to support global sustainability initiatives for Environmental and Resource monitoring.


Orbital - Lunar Communication

Traditionally space agencies have relied on radio-frequency (RF) signals for the majority of its communications needs. Even though RF links have shown to be reliable they are significantly less capable in moving large amounts of data as compared to optical links. Other issues include large antenna footprint, weight, power consumption per transmitted bit, and spectrum limitations which are progressively getting worst as commercial cellular companies continuously demand more spectrum for commercial utilization. The data and communications needs of crewed space missions have been steadily increasing, driving the need for higher-capacity links. As we prepare for the next major step in human space exploration, we need to update the Legacy RF communications systems to a more modern, internet like, high-bandwidth systems. 

Optical Communication Systems - Development of communication systems have accelerated in the last couple of decades. These efforts were aided by the huge investment in the terrestrial optical fiber communications industry that helped develop the technologies and components used in optical communications. Components such as semiconductor lasers, electro optic modulators, and high-power erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) are now readily available. Furthermore as the cost of such fiber components have dropped while their reliability increased significantly. Additionally, optical communications offers reduced size, weight, and power for terminals. A smaller system leaves more room for science instruments, a weight reduction can mean a less expensive launch, and lower power allows batteries to last longer. These benefits will be crucial for future exploration and science missions where space and power are at a premium.

Lunar Infrastructure Support

The farther humans go into deep space, the more important it will be to generate products and tools with local materials. If we can reduce Earth-Launched delivery requirements then we can reduce overall mission cost and launch weight.  It also allows for the construction of infrastructure using space-based resources, a practice called in-situ resource utilization (ISRU). A few areas to consider below.

Autonomous Construction - Humans living on the Moon will need structures like habitats and landing pads, which can be made more efficiently if they're constructed autonomously by robots. We are also considering scaled investments into Advanced Large Scale 3D Printing.

Resource Extraction - Supplies for lunar astronauts will have to be sent hundreds of thousands of miles from Earth – which is expensive and time-consuming – or they can be created from what's already on the lunar surface (ISRU). We are currently researching on how to use magnetic and electrostatic technologies to more efficiently separate calcium- and aluminum-containing minerals from lunar soil. For astronauts to maintain a sustainable presence on the moon, engineers will need building materials made onsite in order to avoid the expenses of transporting them.


Space Based Manufacturing

The effects of microgravity and access to a vaccum environment will enable to research and production of materials that cannot be produced in Earth's gravity. For example, microgravity allows control of convection in liquids or gasses, and the elimination of sediments. Enhanced growth of larger, higher quality crystals in a solution becomes prevalent. The access to process raw materials from astronomical bodies without the cost of returning to Earth could allow more sustainable exploration missions. A particular goal of processing of high value materials such as gold, platinum, rare earth etc. in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) can make goods economically viable for orbital applications. Space Based Manufacturing would stimulate private investments and create a commercial presence. 

Support Multi-Planetary Missions

Supporting multi-planetary missions for both human and robotic exploration will address the following:

  • Human exploration and occupation across multiple bases will create new centers of innovation leading to advances in science, technology, and commerce. 

  • Protect mankind's future through advanced planning initiatives with regards to energy resources and sustainable materials. Develop objectives to establish similar processes off planet.

  • Colonizing other parts of the solar system allows a risk mitigation for a human extinction event.

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