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The Next Generation

To Leave A Legacy, You Have To Build One...Inspire!

STEM Programs

We seek to inspire the future's scientists, engineers, and space entrepreneurs by financially supporting programs and in-kind support of volunteers and mentors for programs focused on STEM education. From school presentations to sponsorships and mentoring, we offer hands-on ways to spark student curiosity. The primary corporate focus of our STEM programs is K-12 science and math education, although our scope ranges from preschool through graduate school.

Summer Intern Program: The next step in the STEM pipeline, NE Space Tech's summer intern program provides paid opportunities for college students to gain real world experience in research, manufacturing, engineering, and applied math and sciences. All interns are assigned a mentor who guides them through their mission, career opportunities, and personal development.

Our Global Community

A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships

Community Involvement & Development

It has been said that “Unshared Success Is A Failure”. At NE Space Tech, we’ve always believed that if we can help the individuals, families and businesses in our communities to thrive, both economically and socially, then we all win. We have a deeply rooted sense of social responsibility. Over time, we have looked at ways our activities could further benefit societies in a broader and more meaningful context. One way to do this was by matching our social principles to our business principles. We are committed to improving the quality of life and enhancing the vitality of the communities in which we operate. Through our corporate social responsibility initiatives, we provide support to causes reflecting employee and community interests by the means of employee volunteer efforts, corporate initiatives, and monetary donations.

Volunteer Work

Our volunteer initiative offers each of our employees—part-time and full-time—eight hours of paid time each year to devote to volunteering in the communities we serve. Charitable organizations include:​

  • Habitat for Humanity

  • March of Dimes

  • Charitable Thrift Stores

  • Nonprofit Warehouses

  • Animal Shelters

  • School Events

  • Festivals

  • Community Parks & Gardens

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